• Recherche,

Séminaire Octogone-Lordat : Arnalda Dobric (Université de Zagreb)

Publié le 25 octobre 2017 Mis à jour le 2 mai 2018
le 15 décembre 2017
MdR, salle F423

Speech Perception and Speech Production: What's the Verbotonal method got to do with it? (Arnalda Dobric, Université de Zagreb)

Résumé :
In the era of great migrations, the question of speech acquisition is an important issuse within the theme of multilingualism. Dominantly temporal in character, speech proves to be a very demanding part of language acqusition and therefore often neglected in different teaching approaches. The aim of this presentation is to establish strong connection between speech production and speech perception on the example of interphonology stressing therefore the importance of good speech examples and speech correction exercises during foreign language classes. Different methods of speech perception testing will be discussed through examples of tests. The results will be discussed in the light of speech production and ways to evaluate possible improvement. The main part of the presentation will be dedicated to different aspects of the Verbotonal method in 21st century as well as its pros and cons  based on the relevant research data.